Zen Frenz Blog

How to Keep Your Pet Safe Throughout the Heat

How to Keep Your Pet Safe Throughout the Heat

Summer is our favorite time here at Zen Frenz! Beach days, hikes, and pool parties are some of our favorite activities. While we love the hot weather this season, it can be too much for our pets. It is important to make sure that they are staying safe in the hot weather. Here are some ways to have your pet stay Zen throughout the heat!  1. Make sure your pet is properly groomed The extra fur can cause knots and trap extra heat into the body of your pet. This can cause them to feel warmer than usual. With grooming,...

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How to Safely Include Your Pets in Your Fourth of July Celebrations

How to Safely Include Your Pets in Your Fourth of July Celebrations

This long weekend is an exciting one, with Independence day on Monday and we are so excited!  What is Independence Day? Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July in the United States, is a federal holiday that celebrates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. This was the official declaration that separated the colonies in North America from Great Britain. Every year, civilians in America celebrate the day America was born with parades, fireworks, and many other activities. Here are a few ways to celebrate the fourth with your pets included!  1. Dress them...

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Pet-Friendly Summer Treats

Pet-Friendly Summer Treats

It is summertime here at Zen Frenz and we could not be more excited! There is nothing better than spending time with friends and family while enjoying the warm months. We love taking our pets on adventures to new parks, trails, beaches, rivers, and more. Summer is the perfect time to explore a new place or try a new recipe. Here are four of our favorite pet-friendly summer treats!  Peanut Butter and Jam Frozen Treats  Ingredients 1 cup of strawberries  ¼ cup of water  A few dollops of Zen Frenz Peanut Butter  Directions Wash your strawberries thoroughly and slice off...

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How To Enjoy The Summer With Pets

How To Enjoy The Summer With Pets

It is nearly summertime and we are so excited to be able to spend extra quality time with our pups. And, the warm, dry weather makes it even easier to spend time with our pets. From the beach fireworks to delicious snacks to camping trips, there is sure to be an activity for everyone.  If you are looking for ways to enjoy the summer with your pet this summer then look no further! Keep reading to discover seven of our favorite ways to pass the time with dogs!  #Frenz4th Pro Pack  The #Frenz4th Pro Pack has all of the essentials...

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Are Cats Afraid of Fireworks?

Are Cats Afraid of Fireworks?

Yes! For us humans fireworks are indicative of a celebration and create feelings of joy, for most animals that is hardly the case. Like all wild animals, cats associate loud noises with danger, and will be stressed and fearful. We all know how incredibly fast a cat's reflexes are, and the sudden loud noise and flash of fireworks can cause them to bolt for safety, but in their panic they might go in any direction.  Additionally, firework displays tend to go on for a long time, and a cat can be very scared and disorientated by the time it returns. ...

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