Choosing a Doggy Daycare Provider

In today’s post, we are going to discuss how to choose the best daycare for your dog. There are many necessities and luxuries you are searching for, but we are going to cover the basics here. We are going to cover aspects your mind may skip right over as the daycare worker is discussing their programs with you.

Tour the Doggy Daycare Facility

First, make sure you tour the facility. Make sure everything appears to be clean and well taken care of. You want a daycare program that’s ‘on top of their game.’

Take a look around and look for ventilation systems. Your dog needs fresh air; is there any way for him to have some fresh air in the facility? Does the air seem stale and a little on the ‘stenchy’ side? 

Dog Grouping at Doggy Daycare

Doggy daycares who are educated about our furry best friends understand there must be different playrooms based on numerous factors. These factors may include size, play style, behavioral issues (if applicable), medical issues (if applicable), and your desires (some have luxury suites). 

This also brings us to the level of staffing. What is the dog-to-staff ratio? Generally 15 dogs per 1 caretaker is proper. If that number is lower, fantastic!

Routine and Structure at Doggy Daycare

 At this point in the conversation, it’s a great time to ask about routine and structure. Is your dog able to stay on the same routine? How will her routine change once she begins doggy daycare?

This is only touching the surface. We highly encourage you to contact a doggy daycare provider and do a bit more research on your own. And, keep watch on our page as we now offer store highlights to help you find exactly what you’re searching for!

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